Glories to Anant Bhagwan!

The donation you make on this day gives infinite returns, That's why it has been named "Anant Chaturdashi".

 And what should we donate? There is no rule for this. 

The formula for this is - 

Donate what is most dear to you so that your attachment to that object comes to an end and you start walking towards God.

Some people have desire for prestige, some desire wealth, different people have attachment to different things that's where he is stuck, that's why he is not able to progress towards God so donate that's itself.

There is prominence of Shri Krishna only on Anant Chaturdashi that's why we must donate for the sake of Shri Krishna only and we have three things that We can donate --- body, mind and wealth .

Shri Krishna asks for all three.
He is too greedy!
He says if you give one of them, you will stay attached to the other two.
You will not be able to do complete surrender then. So, surrender everything on this day.

It is said in the Bhagwat - 

God says whatever is the most dear to you, offer that to me, this way your mind will get detached then you will be able to surrender to me.

Offer your virtous deeds also to me,
I will return it infinite times more to you.

Just like you deposit money in the bank and the bank returns it to you along with the interest on it, although very minimal and God says, I will multiply it infinite times and give it back to you.
Have faith in me and offer me everything that is dear to you then your mind will get detached and you will be able to surrender your mind to me very easily.

You do so much kirtan and bhajan but your mind is not detached, it's attached somewhere or the other in the world.
So, all your hardwork goes waste.
Give me what I am asking you to give wherever you have too much attachment such as mother, father, wife, husband, wealth, fame, wherever you have too much attachment, offer that to me then you will become free.

But offer good things to God, don't offer sinful things otherwise you will get results infinite times in return.

- Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj 

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